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Pet Sematary Drinking Game!

The Spill

The Spill is my blog. My place for movie reviews, thoughts, and probably the occasional rant. But hopefully not too much. Nobody cares amiright?

Pet Sematary Drinking Game!

Michael Scott

Pet Sematary is a book I've never read by the prolific Stephen King (Leo Chrysler to his friends) and it was adapted in 1989 into the film of the same name. It's also a pretty kickin' song by The Ramones for some reason.

Punk may be dead, but the zombies sure aint.

Punk may be dead, but the zombies sure aint.

But the movie is really bad. Well, okay, not SOOOO bad. But it's 5/10. It's just below the threshold of being a movie that you'd actually want to watch non-ironically.

However, the saving grace of the film is that it's prime for a drinking game I made up while watching it. If you've never seen it and drinking games are your sort of thing I suggest you give it a try.

So here are the rules ----->

  • Any time one of the adults is really irresponsible, take a drink
  • Whenever that truck goes hauling ass down that tiny road for no reason, take a drink
  • Any time someone says something really awful, take a drink
  • Whenever the cat shines its eyes, take a drink
  • Whenever someone is introduced and has a weird name, take a drink

I definitely will be playing this with my friends next Halloween, OR at the very least, sometime this year. Hopefully you'll give it a SHOT. hehehe.

Happy Late Halloween everyone.

How can you hate this chubby bubby?

How can you hate this chubby bubby?