Spiderman: Homecoming (Review)
Michael Scott
Spiderman: Homecoming is a good movie, in fact it’s great. It hits all the right notes a super hero movie should hit, the casting is damn good, and there’s just enough humor to balance out the pretty serious violence.
Personally, "Spiderman" will always be Tobey Maguire. It’s part nostalgia, part its isolation from the growing cancer that is the MCU, and part Sam Raimi being the PERFECT man for the job. Sam Raimi gets what a comic book is: Silly, fun, and heroes who tell a serious message.
If I had one criticism with Homecoming it would be that the whole “With great power comes great responsibility” thing is left dangling in the wind. Peter never has to answer for his mistakes, and I think this was partially glaring in a 2 hour movie about a high-schooler balancing crushes on senior girls and saving Queens.
If I had two criticisms it would be that and the fact that the 2/3 of the movie drags really bad. Give me one more (and by now I’m just nitpicking) and I’d say that there are really only three action scenes in the whole movie and they’re all in the trailer.
PS. That’s why you shouldn’t release 3 minute trailers.
He loves exercise sooooo much. Crazy millennial!
I enjoyed the smaller scope of the film compared to the cosmic ass-fest (in a bad way) that was Doctor Strange.
But Spider-Man is still king.
That's a cute outfit, did your husband make it for you?
If you like superhero movies you’re probably already going to see this one, but if you’re on the fence I recommend it. It’s echelons better than the “Amazing” Spiderman movies and better than every MCU movie since Thor 2…
But instead of spoiling the film the rest of this review will be other names they could’ve called the movie.
Spiderman and the Ethnically Diverse Casting Mandate
Spider-Man: By Columbia #you’rewelcome
Spiderman Vs The Relatable Villain
Iron Man 4: A Spiderman Story
Peter Parker Digs Dark Chicks
Conspicuous CGI: We’ll Fix that in Post
Editor's Note:
I'm still trying to get the formatting on this site to work better. It always seems that the text is too small for my liking. It's not illegible it's just unappealing. It's all a work in progress.