Exploring the Amazon with Brandon Z. - (Episode 19, Season 4)
Michael Scott
…So anyway, this episode hosts Michael and Brandon Z. check out a selection of Amazon product reviews, each with a different purpose. Sometimes it’s making fun of the reviewer, sometimes it’s laughing at the incredibly unsafe product, and sometimes it’s learning an important lesson about cultural sensitivity in media.
Hope you enjoy :)
There are few works of writing that capture the human essence more than product reviews. Comments sections are uninhibited. People gush and rage without reservations and rarely do people self-censor. That’s where reviews are different. In a review the writer becomes enamored with the idea that there review is going to be taken seriously, regardless of how unlikely that is given a number of factors. The fact that many people don’t read reviews. That any sites allow negative reviews to be scrubbed. That products don’t stay posted forever, or that there complaints in the review may be disregarded by biased or foolish people.
Yet they carry on. Reviews have a sort of importance laced about them. As if the writer was writing an essay for an english class. People want you to care what they think, even though they’re just a faceless stranger online. That’s how much we crave acceptance.
Note: Mild audio issues abound in this episode! Since fixed.
The Japanese. Are. Advanced.
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