Toothless's No Nut November - (Episode 17, Season 4)
Michael Scott
Okay, so full-disclosure, by the time "How to Train your Dragon" hit theaters I was a little too old for it. Now that's not to say I can't enjoy a good cartoon or children's movie once in a while, I definitely can. It's just that I don't have the same emotional investment in the source material that I think a lot of people do. Despite being told that it was "a really good movie" I just didn't really get it. I only saw it once, and it was years after the film initially came out. It basically just felt like a run-of-the-mill, standard, Kirkland-ass kid's movie. No bad, by any stretch, but just average. A 5/10. Not dissimilar from something like Brave or The Princess and the Frog.
Anyway, we wanted to do a No Nut November episode, and here it is. I think that there’s still enough people that hold this holy month dearly, that it’s worth it. So if you’re out there, struggling or just hitting your stride with NNN, then this one’s for you. Keep on keeping on.
From all your pals at X Reader.
DGTOW - Dragons Going Their Own Way
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