Paper Computer Games (The Blue Wiki) - (Episode 4 Season 4)
Michael Scott
In the episode we discuss the discovery of PCG/The Blue Wiki, how it came to shape our own view on web culture, how it' has evolved since we last explored it, and we read excerpts from some choice pages on the site.
In a way, this is our very first episode of X Reader. Before Season 1, before Daphne Snake and Dark Chocolate. Before the ROB Talks, and the decent microphones. Before the ape trilogy and before learning about one man’s Underwater Lair there was the Blue Wiki aka Paper Computer Games.
The Wiki was first discovered in either 2011 or 2012, during the height our foray into YouTube and the proto-X Reader podcast “Sim Girls”. We discovered a website that contained a multitude of stories lurking silently in the ruins of the internet’s wastes.
Initially, the site appeared to be constructed and maintained by a sole individual and that man, the storyteller, has woven a tapestry of delightful and evocative tales of human and non-human interest. it also appeared to be entirely abandoned, but there’s more to the PCG wiki than meets the eye.
There’s not really much more to say about the Blue Wiki without merely reading it. And on this episode of X Reader, that’s precisely what we do.
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