Toy Story 3: When Good Toys Go Bad - (Episode 15, Season 4)
Michael Scott
It’s kind of surprising that we haven’t done any Toy Stories yet, especially given the popularity and impact of the series and of Pixar films in general. But unfortunately for us here at X Reader, it’s some one-off trash…
Maybe that’s not fair, because with a middle-high approval rating from Michael and an A+ from Jordan, Ryan9187's hateful fic "Toy Story 3" might surprise you with the juice behind it’s juvenile exploitative writing. One of the main reasons we started this show was to see what the wide, shallow ocean of internet fan fiction could do for the creative energy of our hosts. What ideas could be spawned and spun into stories of their own. Creativity begets creativity, And despite this fic’s bad attitude, it’s not lacking in inspiration.
For better… and for worse. But if you’re here to truly see some good toys go bad, I suggest watching Small Soldiers instead.
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What a nightmare
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