Kung Fu Killer (Review)
Michael Scott
Okay so here's where stuff starts to get personal.
I LOVE kung fu movies. Or whatever you want to call them. Martial arts, karate, kung fu, it's all the same genre. We all know what you're talking about. But like any genre there are a variety of levels of quality.
There are the run-of-the-mill ones, basically anything Jet Li stars in. Sorry JL.
There are the old classics with Bruce Lee, but to be perfectly honest these aren't so great either. They're mostly cult films because of Bruce Lee's mysterious death. The filmmaking itself is pretty subpar.
Then there are the Jackie Chan movies. Yes, from Rush Hour, but what other Chan movies have you seen? No, The Tuxedo doesn't count. He's done a ton. Also, he does all his own stunts. Also also he writes and sings music and directs! Jackie Chan is awesome. Chinese Zodiac, Police Story, and Project A are some of his best ones but Armor of God is pretty good too. I'll probably review Project A pretty soon too, since it's one of my favorites!
Lastly there are the new ones. These ones are usually post Rush Hour, and tend to have pretty good production values, all things considered. They make up the majority of the Chinese cinema I've enjoyed and Donnie Yen is the star of the show.
Damn, Mr. Yen. Why you so saaaaaxy?
Anyway, he's awesome too. Probably he's like the new Jackie Chan, only he's a little more serious and slightly less charming. So what are we talking about here? You know, besides the blind guy from Star Wars.
Kung Fu Killer is a great example of a modern martial arts movie and it's got some great moments. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Why should you watch Kung Fu Killer? Well, let's go down the list.
- Donnie Yen kicks ass.
- The bad guy kicks ass also.
- One of the fight scenes takes place on a giant skeleton (no, really).
- There's a ton of dusty strikes (fans know what I'm talking about)
- There's a part where someone throws someone else's ashes in their face.
Actually that's enough to see the movie right there. I should really spoil it, but I need everyone to see. SPOILER ALERT.
There's a part where Yen and the villain are fighting and the villain has his dead wife's urn in his hand, and Yen just fricken throws her ashes in his face while they're fighting. ITS BRUTAL. You don't see stuff like that in American movies.
Sounds like a xylophone too!
Really though, I can't do the movie justice. It's not the best kung fu movie I've ever seen, and it's not even the best Donnie Yen movie, but it's got such high production values and is such a fun flick that I had to recommend it. I think it's still on netflix. Check it out.